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Showing posts with the label Babylon NY

Praise the Lord, who heals those who sing the blues!

Deacon's Corner for February 2, 2018  In Sunday’s scripture readings we see how Job “sings the blues” (JB 7: 1-4,6-7). The great lament on the drudgery of life. My mind wanders to early mornings on the Babylon LIRR platform as commuters face another cold Winter’s trek into the “city” and what could be just another day of toil. The hope of an eventless train ride is dashed, as the announcement crackle s over the platform speakers and cries out yet another train delay. Job speaks to our lament of today, “Is this as good as it gets” ? We often feel the longing for something more! Parish life can be the center of activity for us, whether in our Sunday worship, bringing the kids to religious education or tending to our prayer life and spiritual well-being.  For others, particularly the millennials, being drawn to have the Parish of St. Joseph as the central place in their lives can be chalked up to wishful thinking. Bishop John Barres calls us all toward Dramatic Miss